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Posted - 09/13/2001 :  21:36:42  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit JoeCool's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here you go guys, and girls. Have fun!

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Tamrissa Roshan
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Posted - 09/13/2001 :  22:46:40  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Tamrissa Roshan an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Tamrissa stands tall, or as tall as she can at her short stature. She lifts her chin, trying to maintain control of her fears and anger. Her jaw clenches as she watches Sabre give her a nervous smile. If he was nervous, she should be ten times as nervous, but she simply takes a breath and stares straight ahead at the opposite side of the courtyard. When the first member’s blood runs red, she presses her lips together.*

This cannot be fair…this cannot be justice, she thinks silently to herself, not allowing her thoughts to pass through either of the links she has with Sabre or Soul.

*The fourth Council member steps forward. She is a tall, willowy woman with knee-length snowy waves of hair. Her wise amber eyes are rimmed in exceptionally long eyelashes, looking much like soft white downy feathers. As she blinks they sweep across her pale, pale cheeks. She has a pretty look to her, yet her features are sharp: a hawkish nose, thin pink lips, and high cheekbones. Her expression is impassive, almost cold. She stares down at Jihon, gazing at him with those yellow-gold eyes. She pulls the sleeve of her robe back from her thin wrist and rests the edge of the elaborate dagger on her powdery skin.*

“Gavina, please,” Tamrissa mouths in the member’s direction. “Please.”

*Gavina was one of the only Council members that Tamrissa had known. She was a hard woman to get along with, a virtual wall when it came to defending her opinions. Yet, perhaps if she saw the pleading in Tamma’s eyes, perhaps she would understand and take pity.*

*The woman looks to Tamrissa and the edges of her mouth turn down in a faint frown. She looks back at Jihon and brings the dagger across her wrist in a quick, graceful motion. Red spills from the wound before it immediately knits itself back together. The white-haired Council member nods slightly to Jihon and moves to the other line.*

Oh gods, you idiot, keep your mouth shut from now on, she scolds herself silently and lowers her eyes for a moment.

*She brings her eyes back up and tries to flex her clenched hands behind her back. The waiting is killing her slowly, the speed of the judgments becoming torturous.*

[OOC: This is a good way to role-play this out, but I think we should all just keep playing the parts of the Council members. And I’m not sure how Jihon feels about this, but perhaps we should let him decide what happens to his character. Meaning that we would take this up to the next to last member that is voting, keeping the votes balanced, then allow Jihon to role-play the final member. (I believe I remember Sabre saying that he is the twelfth member, so that means we would all role-play up to the tenth member, then Jihon gets the eleventh vote.) He may then decide the outcome of his judgment.

This is up to Jihon and the rest of you, cause I’ll have fun either way. Just offering a suggestion! ]

~A sweet little woman...with more bite than bark.~Go to Top of Page

Soul Reaver
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Posted - 09/14/2001 :  10:02:12  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Soul Reaver's Homepage  Edit Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
Soul Reaver smiles at Clutchfiend and Kalana.

"Kalana, it is good to see you in good health, and I am glad that you have returned, Clutchfiend. However, I'm afraid that the current situation is rather serious.

A lot has happened since you left, and I do not think I could explain it all. Essentially, Jihon's soul was taken over by a renegade Daemon who used his body to perform horrific crimes. Jihon, and his companion, Tamrissa, are now being judged by this 'Council'.

For some strange reason, they see what they are doing as deciding on 'justice'." Soul Reaver spits the final word, and his eyes momentarily crackle with red energy.

Meanwhile, in the Council Chamber, the next Council Member receives the goblet. He is a massive, dark-skinned man with broad, heavily muscled shoulders. His hair is white, and he is blind... yet he seems to have no difficulty orienting himself. In a deft motion, he draws the dagger across his wrist.

Red blood flows into the goblet...

--To fight is to live. And my battle is eternal.--Go to Top of Page

Sabre Soldier
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Posted - 09/14/2001 :  13:07:50  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Sabre Soldier a Yahoo! Message  Send Sabre Soldier an instant message  Reply with Quote
((ooc: Only 5 council members left. Jihon can take the last one. So that leaves 4 for the rest of you to decide. I'll stay out of this part now. Then it's Tamrissa's turn. BTW, where's Kelvack???))

*Sabre Soldier stands on the marble floor, and eyes down each of the council members as they walk by. He then stands next to Tamrissa and turns around. He looks through the rift to Soul Reaver, and notices cLuTcHfIeND. He nods to him, then turns back around. He then closes his eyes, and talks to Tamrissa.*

Do not be afraid. I know this is hard to go through, but you have nothing to worry about. I'm taking responsibility for your actions. It's because of me that you are in the situation that you are in.

*Sabre Soldier places his arms behind his back, and puts his head down.*

Sabre Soldier: The Unreal Assasin.
Death is my Mistress...
War is my Master...
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Posted - 09/14/2001 :  14:31:29  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote

cLuTcHFieND look into the rift and watches Jihon and Tamrissa. He doesn't know Tamrissa, but he knows Jihon, and he knows that Jihon would never do anything horrible enough to be judged by this so-called "council". He thinks for a moment, then turns to Kalana.

"I have to stay here. You go and take command of the troops. finish those Chaos Lords and then get back here. I don't know what's about to go down, but it might be serious, and I might need your help."

Kalana nods, puts her helmet back on, and pulls a remote out of a pouch tied to her leg. She presses a button and dissapears. cLuTcHFieND turns back to Soul Reaver.

"I don't know who this council thinks they are, but if they try to pass jugement on Jihon, I will die fighting to protect him."

cLuTcHFieND puts his helmet back on, angrily unsheaths his sword, and stares into the rift, waiting.

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Tamrissa Roshan
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Posted - 09/14/2001 :  22:37:10  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Tamrissa Roshan an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Tamrissa glances at Sabre out of the corner of her eyes. She quickly brings her gaze back to its forward stare, her expression not revealing any of her thoughts.*

How is this your fault, Sabre? she sighs mentally. I am the one who could not keep my opinions to myself when I first arrived. I am the one that drove him and pushed him into his state of madness. I triggered it. I am to blame. He might have been able to fight Cerberis’ control if I had simply kept my temper.

*She moves her wrists in the cuffs that are almost cutting into her skin, her lips tightening into a stern line.*

I will not allow you to take responsibility, no matter if you are my superior or not, she blinks slowly. I am trusting you to help Jihon. If the Council finds him guilty, get him out of here while they are busy judging me. I do not believe they will destroy me, but if they find Jihon guilty they will kill him. I am sure of it. Please, Sabre. I don’t want to see any of you hurt or killed…

*A sixth Council member steps forward, a child-like boy. His skin is tinted green, ears drawn to a point in the lobes. He has ebony hair sticking up in small spikes all over the top of his head. His eyes are almond shaped, completely black and shining. He looks straight into Jihon’s eyes, the perfect height since Jihon is still on his knees. The silence looms as he searches his soul, then with a superhuman speed the dagger slices and darkness flows into the goblet.*

*Tamrissa lets out a breath and closes her eyes for a moment.*

~A sweet little woman...with more bite than bark.~

Edited by - Tamrissa Roshan on 09/14/2001 22:40:37Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/15/2001 :  15:25:31  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
cLuTcHFieND grips his sword tightly, waiting. He is tensed, prepared to jump in at any moment. He turns the situation over and over in his mind.

"I don't know what they'll do to Jihon if they find him guilty, but if they try to kill him, THEY WILL PAY. I refuse to stand aside while my friend is slaughtered."

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Sabre Soldier
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Posted - 09/15/2001 :  16:10:20  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Sabre Soldier a Yahoo! Message  Send Sabre Soldier an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Sabre Soldier listens closely to what CLuTcHfIeND is thinking, and turns around to face him through the portal, glaring at him. He sends cLuTcHfIeND a message.*

Don't worry so much. I'll make sure Jihon get's out of here alive. Just be ready.

*Sabre Soldier turns back around and speaks to Tamrissa.*

I'm not going to leave you get judged like this. You have no reason to be judged. I know this, and they know this. They are up to something. They won't let me in on what's going on, but they're definately up to something. I'm going to get you out of this, along with Jihon. We should have never came back here....Dammit!!! I'm very sorry, I shouldn't have listened to them.......... I know what I have to do now. This is going to cause me to loose my Higher Council status, and make me a heretic to the Umbra's, but I guess I have no other choice.......Be Ready Tamrissa.

*Sabre Soldier looks over at Tamrissa, and smiles slightly. Still seeming nervous. Afterwards, he closes his eyes, and thinks over his plan. If his heart could beat, it would be beating very rapidly. Tamrissa can easily notice this, along with Jihon, who pauses to look at Saber Soldier curiously, for but a moment.*

Sabre Soldier: The Unreal Assasin.
Death is my Mistress...
War is my Master...

Edited by - Sabre Soldier on 09/15/2001 16:14:42Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/16/2001 :  21:46:07  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Jihon's Homepage  Send Jihon an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Jihons chest suddenly stops rising and falling as if he had stopped breathing for a moment and then his eyes glow earily with anger. He stands and begins to yell at the council....*

"I rufuse to be judged apon your oppinions! Fact I say fact is all that can prove anything!"

*Tamrisa looks at Jihon astonished and surprized to see him acting apon his anger.*

"If I am proved guilty by this... This.. "Trial" I will make you an offer you cannot refuse!!"

*The council members all seem intrigued by Jihons outburst of anger. The blind dark fellow stands and adresses Jihon.*

What is this offer you speak of?

"I speak of a fair trial!!"

*Jihon walks slowly and calmly over to the table of which the 11 council members are seated. He picks up a leather binded book from it and opens it . He begins to read a passage.*

" Any being on trial has two options if proved to be guilty. One of which is of coarse death. Another, although rarely chosen, is the trial by fire tournement. See Trial By Fire."

*Jihon turns some pages and stops again.*

"Rules of the Trial By Fire:

1. All entrys must have pure hearts.
2. All entrys must have some relation to the defendent.
3. All entrys must fight without remorse.

In the event that the defendent should lose he/she should be killed on the spot and condemmoned to hell. If the defendent should win he/she will be granted full pardon and be granted one wish within the powers of the council. In the event that anyone should be killed by the defendent they will be given life."

*Jihon pauses for a moment and then again begins to speak.*

"You see I know that I am innocent and that is all that matters... It was not my soul that commited those horrible acts..."

*Suddenly deep within Jihon a voice cuts through him.*

What are you doing!!! you could have walked away!!! Now they almost are shure you are guilty Jihon. They can sence rage... and so can I!!

*Jihon walks back to where he was kneeling and bows next to Tamrissa. He begins to whisper to her.*

"Dear lord... I may have condemned us all...."

Sanity... A possesion not to waist.Go to Top of Page

Tamrissa Roshan
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Posted - 09/17/2001 :  00:48:54  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Tamrissa Roshan an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Tamrissa twists her wrists in the handcuffs, trying to send a bit of her magick into the lock, just enough not to be detected.*

What could the Council possibly be planning? They are supposed to be the enforcers of Order, the protectors of the Umbras. I am ready for whatever you have planned, but I would like to find out what is going on in their minds right now.

*Her own heart speeds up as she feels the anxiety of Sabre and she watches him close his eyes in thought. When she finally takes her eyes away to focus on the trial, she whips her head around to look at Jihon.*

“Jihon? What are you doing?” she whispers quickly, straining against the hand of one of the guards that has stood behind them the whole time.

*Her eyes widen as he makes the remark about the trial by fire.*

Is he mad??

*When he returns to her side, she shakes the guard’s hand from her shoulder and bows her head.*

“Gods, Jihon. I hope you are ready for what is about to happen. If you haven’t condemned us, you have certainly given us a run for our lives.”

~A sweet little woman...with more bite than bark.~Go to Top of Page

Sabre Soldier
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Posted - 09/17/2001 :  07:48:28  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Sabre Soldier a Yahoo! Message  Send Sabre Soldier an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Sabre Soldier looks over at Jihon. A very disturbed look on his face. Afterwards, he speaks loud enough for everyone to hear.*

Jihon, you have no clue what you just got us into. Challenging the Higher Council to a Trial By Fire is insane...... I'm sorry I have to do this Jihon.

*Sabre Soldier then mind speaks to Jihon.*
Don't worry about all this. I'm going to get us out of here. Just cooperate, and listen to what I say.

*Sabre Soldier then turns to the Higher Council to Speak*
You can clearly see that Jihon is insane. I also believe that I made a mistake in becoming a sire to Tamrissa. I believe that they may still pose a threat to us. Being the only council member not to judge them, I would like to execute the both of them personally. I knew that Jihon was a ticking timebomb, and Tamrissa was irresponsible enough to provoke him to his possession, and insanity. I would like to remove this threat from the court, in a fair battle.

*After a short discussion, the council agree's to let Sabre Soldier fight Jihon and Tamrissa the next evening. Sabre Soldier then looks over at Tamrissa, who looks very disturbed about this, as if something is not right. He then mind speaks to her.*

Everything will be okay. I promise. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or Jihon. This was the only thing I could think of, in an attempt to escape, without us being killed by the other Higher Council members. Also, Tamrissa, make this look good, and throw out some of that great acting potential I know you have. I don't want the council to feel suspicious about this.

*Afterwards, Sabre Soldier smiles at Tamrissa, then leads Jihon and Tamrissa to their cells which are in the west block of the city. He is escorted by 3 guards, and Thaimes: One of the greatest fighters the Coucil has to offer.*

***Thaimes is a very just man. He has a darker, almost Asian appearance to him. He as well, has a copper colored spikey hair that is rather short. He dresses in monks clothes, and is very wise. Underneath the monks clothes, he wears a basic, loose, martial arts outfit, that is white. ((Just a description))****

Sabre Soldier: The Unreal Assasin.
Death is my Mistress...
War is my Master...

Edited by - Sabre Soldier on 09/17/2001 07:51:40Go to Top of Page

Soul Reaver
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Posted - 09/17/2001 :  10:30:24  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Soul Reaver's Homepage  Edit Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
Soul Reaver watches the two being led way by Thaimes, Sabre Soldier, and the guards. Closing the scrying spell and making a hasty apology and farewell to Clutchfiend, he leaves the front of the palace. From a distance, he follows his companions through the pearly white streets of the city, and makes a mental note of where they are being held.

When the guards are gone, Soul Reaver telepathically speaks to Sabre Soldier.

I'm amazed that the council belived you... but perhaps they have something more in store. In fact, I am almost convinced that they're much more aware of your goals than you realise. Watch your back, Sabre Soldier... I have a feeling that things might not all go according to plan.

Meanwhile, in the Council Chambers, the other Council Members are busy discussing the future.

One council memember, the skin on his face so tightly stretched on his bones that his mouth is drawn into a permanent rictus of a grin, hisses quiety.
"Of course. But I must sssay... sssuggesting a Trial by Fire... how interesssting... and predictable. Yesss... just as we expected of Jihon."

With a gentle voice like the breeze on the grass, the child-like Council Member replies.
"It is a shame. They might have been useful to us. But the way things have turned out, I do not see any other options... and Sabre Soldier... such a pity..."

--To fight is to live. And my battle is eternal.--Go to Top of Page

Sabre Soldier
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Posted - 09/17/2001 :  11:19:45  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Sabre Soldier a Yahoo! Message  Send Sabre Soldier an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Sabre Soldier gets Soul Reaver's message and returns a response.*

I know that the council is up to something, they didn't inform me of what though, so Thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind. I also talked to Thaimes about this situation. We have been friends for a long time, and he's willing to help. He's probably the greatest fighter I know. He's as well, is a very honest man. Anyways, just be ready for a quick escape. I do not wish to fight the Higher Council. The others are great warriors as well. I hope it doesn't boil down to having to fight them. I dont' know how I would fair against my own kind. It hurts just to think about it.

*Sabre Soldier and Thaimes wait next to the cell, after the guards are gone.*

Thaimes: I'm happy to be of your Assistance Fei. You were always like a brother to me.

Sabre Soldier: Thanks Thaimes, we're going to need all the help we can get to escape the city. The Higher Council knows what we're up to. I just hope it doesn't come down to fighting the other 11 council members. We wouldn't stand a chance. I hope this plan works out.

*Sabre Soldier notices Soul Reaver, and gestures him to come over. Soul Reaver sneaks over, and is greeted rather kindly by Thaimes, who shakes his hand. As Soul Reaver shakes his hand, an uncomfortable surge enters his body. He hesitates slightly, and pulls away.*

Thaimes: Greetings, I am Thaimes. I will be accompying you for the time being. Fei has told me much about all of you. You must be Soul Reaver, and you must be the lovely Tamrissa, and Jihon. That character in the distance must be cLuTcHfIeND, but I do not recognize the female standing next to him. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. Currently, I am the Commander of War among the Umbra's. My job is to keep the Higher and Lower Umbra balanced. Sometimes, the lower umbra attempts to break down the gates to the Higher Umbra. That's when they send me in. I've known Fei here for a good long time, we'll just say. I don't feel like sharing too much of my past, because It hurts to even think of it. That's about it of my past, the rest I try and forget.

*Thaimes Strikes a smile at the group standing outside the cell, and takes a polite bow. Just as around this happens, several figures can be seen approaching from the east side of the city.*

Sabre Soldier: The Unreal Assasin.
Death is my Mistress...
War is my Master...

Edited by - Sabre Soldier on 09/17/2001 13:07:40Go to Top of Page

Tamrissa Roshan
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Posted - 09/17/2001 :  16:50:25  Show Profile  Email Poster  Send Tamrissa Roshan an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Tamrissa’s jaw drops when Sabre starts speaking of killing them himself. She listens to what he mind speaks to her and frowns inwardly, knowing she doesn’t have to put too much effort into acting to make this a good performance.*

“Sabre, you bastard!” she spits out, straining against the hands of the guard that pulls her up from her kneeling position near Jihon. “You are a traitor! Dishonorable and wretched!! I should have put a stake in your heart as soon as I saw you!”

*She kicks at the guard behind her as he pulls her slowly away from the Council and Sabre, who are discussing the next evening.*

“Let me go, damn you! Let him fight me now! If he wants to kill me, let him try now!”

*The guard swings her around, her feet almost leaving the floor and an angry shriek tearing from her lips. He pushes her over to where Jihon and the other guards are waiting for Sabre.*

“Get your hands off of me, imbecile,” she hisses through her teeth and tries to writhe out of his grasp.

*She tries to push her aura outwards, but the magicked handcuffs around her wrists hold the power in, only allowing a small portion of it to escape. The guard senses that small amount of power and pushes her down to her knees, putting his hand beneath her chin and tilting her head back roughly and holding her down with his other hand on her shoulder.*

“Try me, little woman,” he puts pressure on her throat as he whispers to her. “You may recover from a snapped neck, but it will hurt like hell.”

*Her eyes narrow as she stares up at him, her pulse beating against the calloused hand around her neck. When Sabre finally starts to lead them out of the courtyard, the guard pulls her up by the arms and pulls her along behind Sabre and Jihon.*

Enough of a performance for you? she mind speaks Sabre, struggling lightly with the guard as they march along the streets. I’m going to kill this one too if I get a chance, right after I kill the general and a few of those Council members.

*When they reach the cells, she is held still while they remove the handcuffs and then shoved into a shadowed cell beside Jihon’s. The cells’ magick barrier flares to life, giving a deadly electric shock and drainage of power if touched with hands or magick. Tamma crosses her arms beneath her chest and stares out through the transparent azure shield that makes up the barrier.*

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Thaimes, I’m sure, but I believe your ‘lovely’ compliment would be much more appreciated if I was not standing here in this putrid cell with dried black goop all over me, ripped clothing and no magickal abilities at all!” she blows a limp curl of gold-blond hair from her eyes and paces the few feet width of her cell and then back again. “I think I would like to see the Lower Umbra kick the Upper Umbra’s lying, scheming behind around a bit at this point! I might even join them if I get out of this alive!”

*She looks down as some sort of rodent scurries over the toe of her boot. Her eyes roll up and she gazes out at Sabre, Soul Reaver and Thaimes.*

“Enjoy your soft silken sheets and featherbeds, boys. Remember me here on this cold stone floor as you cuddle up next to a little Umbra street strumpet this eve and eat grapes from a golden platter,” she brings her hand up to wiggle her fingers in a wave of goodbye, but stops to look at the figures approaching. “Oh more company! Wonderful.”

~A sweet little woman...with more bite than bark.~Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 09/17/2001 :  22:42:35  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Jihon's Homepage  Send Jihon an instant message  Reply with Quote
*Jihon sits in the corner of the cell pondering his escape he mumbles under his breath to himself while kicking mouse carcases around on the floor.*

"I still like the T.B.F. Idea. It wouldent be a challenge really. Well unless I had to fight these guys... Everyone else I know... Is weak. What is this made of anyway?"

*Thisias contacts Jihon.*

Some weird element emitting a radioactive charge. It weakens you as it touches your skin... Hmmmmm... Well let me see... EINSTEINIUM!!! I can work with that!!! I can reverse the effect and break them as easy as they were put on.

"Good I don't think I could wait another moment in this blasted cell with Tamrissa!!"

*Tammrissa turns and looks at Jihon with an anger stricken face.*


*He continues to speak with Thisias.*

"What do i need to do?"

This is the hard part jihon. You must concentrate your energy to your skin.

*In an instant Jihon's skin burst open as he cries in pain. Liquid bone flows from the gaping wounds all over his bleeding skin. As if his skin was hardened to bone a thick white armor covers every inch of his skin.*

"Damn that Hurt!!!"

Sorry It always does for humans. Now I will do my syuff.

*In a blinding flash the cuffs apon Jihons wrists fall to the floor and the bone armor goes away. Jihon is now naked and blushing he covers himself quickly.*


*As the others look on in awe the guards approach Tamrissa and Jihons cell.*

Sanity... A possesion not to waist.Go to Top of Page

Soul Reaver
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Posted - 09/18/2001 :  01:59:36  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Soul Reaver's Homepage  Edit Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Reply
Tamrissa suddenly feels an intense pain in her head, and almost doubles over in agony. She looks up to see Soul Reaver glaring at her with blazing eyes.

Watch your acid tongue, Tamrissa! Would you prefer that I let you out now, giving the higher council just the excuse they need to disembowel me, you, and my other companions? I will not let you endanger my companions, Tamrissa! I am doing what I can, but until the Council make their move, there is no safe way to get you two out of here.

After that, the pain fades from her mind as Soul Reaver's expression softens.

"I'm certain Thaimes will provide you with what comforts he can while you are here - he seems to be a friend of Sabre's, after all."

Then, Soul Reaver suddenly falls silent as Jihon undergoes his transformation. As the shackles fall to the floor, Soul Reaver scowls... what could Jihon possibly be trying to achieve? Escaping now would be unwise, to say the least...

And then the door opens as several guards walk in...

--To fight is to live. And my battle is eternal.--Go to Top of Page

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