Time passes so quickly in the Upper
it has been months since
Tamrissa stumbles through the warp gate and it snaps shut with a violent flash. She falls to her knees giggling and leaning forward on her hands, the amulet backing pressing into her palm.
I will bring you back, she whispers suddenly, her giggles subsiding and a very bitter grimness making her face twist. I will bring you back. The Umbras need you, Fei.
You need him to, a bubbly voice giggles into her ear. You need him like you need blood
whether it be in your veins or on your sword. You need him to live and to die.
Get out of my mind! she swats at her ear, her teeth clenched. I dont need anyone!
Liar, liar
leather pants on fire! the voice sputters, then goes into another fit of laughter. You are as mad as they come if you think you do not love him just as much as he loves
loved you!
I am mad! she growls at the voice. I am mad
as crazy as a bald yeti in a snowstorm
but I do not love him more than a comrade
a fellow warrior! He is needed here! That is all that makes good sense!
You need him for yourself, yeti, no matter what you say, the voice takes a serious tone. It does not matter what makes good sense
love is not good sense
good sense is not love. Love is love
sense is sense. They both serve their own purpose.
What purpose?? What purpose does love serve?
Who knows! Who knows! the voice says idly, then speaks rapidly. Love
good, evil
it is a balance of two souls
a teeter tottering balance
what purpose? Ha! Strangely stupid question from you, Tamrissa Roshan
child of the Upper
daughter of the fey
daughter of the mortal. For what purpose were you treated as an abomination? Why? Why? Why?
It is the way things are, she recalls her mothers voice saying. She furrows her brow.
Ah ha! The way things are! You see, you answer your own question! the voice says in a bright and cheery tone. Love
no reason or purpose
it is just the way things are.
No! No, that is not an answer! There is a purpose to everything! This is insane! You are insane! Tamrissa opens her eyes after squinting them tightly together. Who are you and why do you torture me with your mindless words?!?
My lady
Empress of the Upper
I come to help you with actions, not torture you with words, a voice suddenly booms through her skull, a shadow sweeping over her. I am Naraka Makani. Might I help you up, my lady?
Tamrissa looks at the worn black leather of a pair boots, then slowly allows her gaze to travel upwards. Boots meet rough-looking tan pants, patched and dirt-smudged. Pants meet over-sized dusty white shirt held firmly to his waist by a rugged braid of leather belt. An emblem lies over his heart on the shirt
the curling black letters J.N
.flames dancing around them in an orange blaze. When she reaches his face, she finds it smiling down at her. A handsome face with a hawk-like nose and thick, dark eyelashes. He is tan and his skin flawless, though it contains a certain hardness, as if he has seen much and knows even more. Long, wispy hair is pulled back from his face in a slick black tail. Piercing brown eyes peer down at her, never wavering.
How did you get here? she suddenly begins laughing again. I sealed this umbra off when I came through the swirly lighted thing
no one can get through
what was your name? Makaw?
Makani, my lady, Naraka Makani, he crouches and reaches out to her with his palms up as if trying not to frighten a cowering animal. And, I have been here for months with my people. You are unwell. Come, let me help you up.
No! she screeches suddenly and sits back on her heels, staring at him. You and your people?!
Yes, my people and I, he lowers his hands, but stays crouched. We came here shortly after hearing of the Uppers fate. We are in search of a new homeland, as our own was destroyed.
Oh, she blinks, then laughs again. You cant stay here. There are these frightfully horrible creatures that are jealous of warmth and life
theyll kill you all.
The man watches as Tamrissa looks at him with her eyes gleaming in insane glee. He smiles to himself and mouths a few strange words, a wisp of pale smoke drifting from his lips and passing over her pale face. She immediately falls forward, right into the waiting arms of her new friend
or captor.
OOC: Time passes much more quickly in the Upper Umbra, so don't be alarmed by this post. It doesn't mean that months have passed on the Earth or anywhere else. And this is also only the beginning of what has been happening there. The Umbra is still locked by Tamrissa's magick and Cenzar has also closed all portals on Earth as Jihon said in one of his past posts. I'll post more later...this is just to help build the story and give ya something strange to read.
~A sweet little woman..with more bite than bark.~