The large group of ships begin to dock at the station, one by one. The newly constructed
Starblade MK II docks first. It is much smaller than the original
Starblade, about the size of a small frigate ((OOC: Or about twice the size of a Thunderhawk Gunship)). A large platform desends from the bottom of it, and cLuTcHFieND emerges, back in his military uniform. Lord Dante strides over to meet him.
"So, were you sucsessful? You were only gone for a few seconds!"
cLuTcHFieND smiles.
"We were only gone from here for a few seconds, but we've actually been gone for about 7 months. Long enough to rest our forces, upgrade our weapons, and build some new ships. All the squads are now battle ready, sir."
Dante smiles back.
"Good. Gather your honour guard. We will launch our attack in ten minutes."
((OOC: And this is where I have to do some major god-modding, cause I don't have time to wait for everyone to post. If you don't like what I make you do, then just post and say you don't do it.))
cLuTcHFieND makes his way back to the armoury, where the others are waiting.
"OK, we're ready to go. Zentalen, I suggest that you go and get that Reaper Guardian of yours and meet us on the surface of the planet. The rest of of you, follow me."
cLuTcHFieND leads Asaki, Lt. Peterson, and the rest of the honour guard back to the launch bays, where he lets them onboard the
Starblade MK II. Once they are inside, cLuTcHFieND activates the launch systems.
"Make yourselves at home, guys. We'll be at our destination shortly."
Starblade MK II launches itself into space, where it meets with the 8 squadron battle barges and the massive command ship
Wrath of Sanguinius, Dante's personal warship. The
Starblade takes up it's position between the warship and the Flame Lord's battle barge, the Reve. cLuTcHFieND picks up his communit to contact the barge.
"Commander Aileron aboard the
Starblade MK II calling the
Reverant. What's ypur status?"
There is an immedeate answer.
This is Admiral Benden of the Reverant
responding. It's good to hear your voice again, old friend. Everything's good here. The troops are loaded up and ready for launch."
"Very good. Await Lord Dante's launch orders., and it's good to hear you too, Benden."
cLuTcHFieND hangs up the com, and looks out of the main viewport at the
Wrath of Sanguinius. Soon, Dante's voice is heard from the com unit.
Attention all ships. This is Lord Dante. The station has been locked down. We will now proceed to Earth. All ships are cleared to move out."
Wrath of Sanguinius beegins to move, and cLuTcHFieND adjusts the trottle of the Starblade, allowing it to move forward. He set's the autopilot, and then walks back to where Asaki is.
"Asaki, are you sure you want to do this? That sword isn't going to be too much of a burden for you, is it?"
>>all I've undergone, I will keep on.......>>cF< I am a Thrust-ship.
I am small and tricky - where you think I am, I probably am not. I can work very fast, but I tend to go about things in a round about way, which often leaves me effectively standing still. I hate rocks. Bloody rocks. What Video Game Character Are You? |