Fei takes Tam's hand and guides her off the chair, guiding her towards the alter.
"I know madaam. This Alter was built by the council incase something like this would ever happen. It's a shame to see it used. We will take back what is rightfully ours"
Fei turns and gazes at Tamrissa for a moment, releasing her hand and forming a large razor at the tip of his finger.
Pressing down carefully on his skin, the blade sinks into Fei's wrist, forcing blood into the goblet. The blood drops in large balls, splashing until the Goblet is partially full.
Looking over at Tamrissa, he turns her hand palm upright. "I'm not going to do this without your consent. I need you to do this with me to take back what is ours."
Fei waits patiently for a response, gazing down into the goblet of stirred, rich blood.
Meanwhile, The ground below the warriors begin to shake in a huge quake. Giant pillars sprout on all sides creating a large Circle of horrid elaborated pillars. Beyond that slightly, the ground cracks and begins to lift.
Within the moment the ground rips up in a large tower, and rolls up into the sky. The giant tower hosts dark, tortured figures up the sides of it along the extremely large spiral staircase that suspends up to the top to meet the collumns at the top, 6 kilometers above ground.
At the top of the Giant tower the air is bitter, war can be seen stretching across the horizon between the shades and kedo army. The sheer site of Chaos makes the tower seem much more placid.
Naraka pulls himself from the ground, his body healing very quickly, his shirt almost completely torn off. A cocky, yet stern fire burns in his eyes.
"You Cannot Win." Naraka speaks very slowly, enunciating every silable before picking up the Kurusunami and begins to swirl a faint blue.
A dark shadow follows behind him as his figure becomes nothing more of a blur.
In a horrific roar, his image splits into 12 other images of him with his speed and charges all the warriors simulatenously among the top of the giant tower, his attacks going to each of them, as he darts so quickly from one to the other in a barrage of attacks that it appears that there are several of him attacking at once.