(ooc: Sorry guys. It's really hard to post with this job I've got.)
Asaki stands her ground and watches as Soul Reaver, Yue and Shenba race down a hallway. She turns to her right and observes as Tamrissa, Gulver and Kanshisha hold the guards.
The teenager glances around, trying to figure out what to do. She pushes against a large door in the hallway.
Kasei: Allow me.
The fire rod shape shifts into a large malet and batters down the door.
Asaki runs into the room and looks around. She runs quickly to the other end and opens a curtain.
Kasei: What are you doing?
The teenager opens the window and leans out.
"These hallways curve and corner all over the place. If I can calculate just about right, I think I can head them off at the pass."
Kasei: I didn't even think you knew what calculate meant.
"There they are!"
She points at a window in the distance.
The teenager quickly climbs out the window, sitting on the ledge, facing outside. She glances down at the streets below. The wind blows her hair across her face. The fire rod hovers out the window beside her.
Kasei: That's a hell of a long way down!
"We're running out of time."
Kasei: Good luck.
The teenager grabs onto the fire rod, and it transforms in her hand. She aims the harpoon looking weapon at a barred window, hesitates, aims it at a further window then shoots.
The tip imbeds itself into the outside wall. She grabs onto the rope end tightly, closes her eyes and breathes out.
She propels herself from the ledge.
The rope tightens as the teenager is swung from one window to another on a lower level of the palace, a really long ways away.
She gasps and reaches out with her right hand as the window approaches.
Her fingers come ever closer to the bars, then the harpoon tip comes out of the wall! The teenager utters a started cry as her hand grips one of the bars and the harpoon falls. Her own weight flings her to the side, her back hits the wall. She flinches, then stares after the harpoon.
Kasei shape shifts back into a fire rod and hovers beside the teenager. The two begin to work quickly on the bars. Asaki melts the steel with her fire magic and Kasei does the same. In no time, they get through.
Kasei opens up the window and Asaki pulls herself in...and not a moment too soon.
She becomes alert and holds out her arms as the figure approaches.
"There's nowhere to go! Give yourself up!"
She watches as the figure shifts cautiously.
The teenager grins.
"Now we can do this the easy way..."
She puts up her fists.
"...Or the hard way."
|With chaos as my guide, I walk the plains in search of a worthy battle....|