(ooc: Hey hey hey! First of all, I'd like to know how Thisas still has reality-controlling abilities when our powers are basically nullified here. Secondly, Asaki's energy-sabre: even if the ring is really really powerful, the sabre would be little more than an energy-dagger here, since magical artifacts are also put under constant strain. I'm going to let it slide for now, but keep this in mind, people! Oh, and Asaki, please forgive the God-mod... but I had to somehow demonstrate what the spheres do...)
Soul Reaver lies unconcious on the ground as the battle rages around him. With a vicious chop, Peterson brings his scythe down towards one of the brutes, who raises his right forearm in what would seem like a feeble defence. The scythe sinks down about half-way into the arm... but the creature only grunts slightly. To Peterson's surprise, it lifts its arm up high with the scythe still embedded in it - Peterson is lifted into the air, and is met with a full-forced punch from the brute's other arm. Peterson is punched away from his weapon and lands on his back on the ground.
Gulver leaps away from the blinded rider, who groans, clutching his bleeding face. Yet just as he finishes his cocky speech to Tamrissa the world goes dark. A massive hand closes over his head from behind as another of the riders grabs him. Like a rag-doll, the rider picks up Gulver and starts swinging him through the air, slamming him into the ground to the left and right, each blow strong enough to crush most of the bones in any normal man's body.
The three brutes buried by Thisias ability growl deeply. The ground around them begins to crack and buckle - the energy draining effects of the surroundings make it impossible for Thisias to maintain his manipulation over the ground, especially against the struggling brutes. A huge fist burst from the ground near Thisias' ankle in a shower of dirt-clods, seizing him by the boot and pulling him over onto his back.
From the edge of the hill, the brute that Asaki thought she had killed climbs back up into the fray. Though bleeding, it seems that the creature had only been stunned by the fall. Though somewhat woozy, it still seems to be as violent as before.
As Asaki slices the arm clean off another one of the riders, the leader shouts an order the guttural language of their race. Apparently they have decided they have had enough of the insolent midgets. The brutes change tactics - they now reach into their backpacks and draw forth a number of large, glinting metal balls. They deftly twist them in their hands, then throw them.
Asaki is the first victim. The ball explodes on contact with her, firing out a massive metallic net that wraps around her with uncanny accuracy, binding her limbs to her side and causing her to fall to the ground. The constricting webbing is stronger than steel, and slightly elastic, making any attempt to cut through it pretty much futile. The thin fibres slice painfully into Asaki's flesh as it seems to constrict to the smallest size it will go without carving Asaki into mince-meat. To add injury to insult, the brute plants a forceful kick into Asaki's midriff as she lies helpless on the ground.
In moments, the remaining brutes are hurling the mechanical spheres everywhere, the metal webs flashing in the setting sun as they burst outwards to try and restrain the companions...
(ooc: I hope you people don't mind getting captured again. However, I also hope that you will find what I have planned for this 'imprisonment' somewhat more entertaining.