In the smoking remains of the the Siege Wagon, Fei runs to Tamrissa's side. The collison had thrown her to the ground. Fei helps her up.
"Heh... I think it's time we got out of this deathtrap."
Fei looks to see the rope dangling down the wall just outside the wagon. He puts his arm around Tamrissa's waist.
"Hold on."
In a blur, he is out of the wagon and scaling the Citadel Wall. Though slowed by having to make progress up the rope, he reaches the top of the wall quickly and unharmed. Soul Reaver nods at him, then returns to looking down at the Wagon.
The Dark Legion have already reached the remains of the Spirit Engine when Zera emerges from it, bruised and with a cut to her temple. She looks up the rope and begins to climb as quickly as she can. Jharm keeps the Legionnaires at bay, but even with his furious assault, he is fighting a retreating battle. Some Legionnaires maneuver around him and begin to climb up the wall closely behind Zera's heels.
As Zera climbs, Blooddrinker's voice enters Soul Reaver's mind.
Why do you help her? Look at her... she has no honour, no sense of morality. She may say she has changed, but I know you do not trust her.
It would be so simple to let go now... to let the rope slip through your fingers. The Legionnaires would handle the rest... you could simply say it was an accident...
Soul Reaver shakes his head to clear it of Blooddrinker's hollow, insidous voice. He realises that his arms and body are glistening with sweat. His fingers slippery and tired inside his gauntlets.
No, Blooddrinker. She is Thisias' charge. I will not betray him. If she should turn on us, then will face her as an enemy... but not before.
Zera, somewhat breathless, hauls herself over the wall besides Soul Reaver, mutteing a tired thanks. Soul Reaver releases the rope, and swings Blooddrinker the two nearest Legionnaires that were following her. The first is almost sliced in half, and falls from the wall moments later. The second has time to draw its sword, but only manages a few parries from its awkward, one-handed position on the wall before it's hand is severed at the wrist and it plummets down towards the ground to join it's comrades.
Soul Reaver draws back from the wall as another catapult rock hurtles overhead and crushes a thatch-roofed house inside the Citadel. Flames lick up from the debris. Some distance beside Soul Reaver, two angels with glittering blades hold off a pair of Dark Legionnaires, slicing at them with big arcing swings. However, the Leigonnaires carefully stay back, waiting until more of their brethren join them, before launching themselves at the angels. Four Legionnaires attack at once, and the Angels are driven back. Suddenly one goes to his knees, a tendon cut at the back of its leg. Another swipe slices the angel's throat. The last Angel, shouting a cry of vengeance, throws himself at the Legionnaires, slaying one and badly damaging a second before he too succumbs.
Despite the best efforts of the companions, it is obvious this is a position that they will not be able to hold forever. The Citadel's mortal defenders are exhusted, with heavy casualties, and there are far too many fronts to protect at once. Already, small squads of Dark Legionnaires have managed to infiltrate the Citadel and are sweeping through the streets, cutting down the town militia left and right.
Suddenly, Soul Reaver spots Stavarus' glittering trail, leading along the path just below the wall. The trail is bright and fresh... Stavarus was here very recently!
Soul Reaver yells to his companions.
"Quickly, everyone! We cannot stay here, and we cannot defeat the entire Dark Legion. Group together at the base of the wall, and follow me! Stavarus is nearby! When we find him, we will dispel this Warp Seal and take him with us as we make our escape. Hopefully the Dark Legion will abandon their assault when they realise that he is no longer here..."
With that, Soul Reaver leaps off the battlements to the street below, a twinge of searing pain running from the wound at his side as he hits the packed-dirt path. Though he refuses to show it, he is feeling exhausted and feels as if he is bruised all over, inside and out. The ballista-bolt wound is still open and trickling blood down over his armour, and he is suffering from numerous smaller cuts from his struggles defending the Wagon from the Dark Legion.
Glancing back to make sure the others are following, Soul Reaver quickly follows Stavarus' trail...