"Thirella? The woman from the village?
Hardly. She showed signs of Daemon-Possession, and her taint may have already spread to her family. I could not risk it spreading further. So I ended their lives, and in the process banished the Daemon back to Inferno in agony. After all, what good is life if one's soul is corrupted?"
Stavarus begins to get worked up as he preaches to Tamrissa. A fanatic gleam enters his eyes.
"What you do not seem to realise is that Daemons are the vilest and most dire threat to the Mortal Plane. No means are too extreme to stop them! If I had to burn an entire village to destroy just one of their vile kind, I would not hesitate to do it!"
Stavarus then listens to Asaki. She seems to have his attention.
"Oh, yes. I have a very good idea of where to find it. My travels so far have been to obtain the means necessary for finding it. I was on the trail of the Staff before you interrupted me..."
Stavarus then hears Kawanua's words. Anger flashes across his features, and he answers in a deadly whisper.
"Never speak again of my not knowing agony. I cannot even bring myself to so much as describe what was done to me. I know well enough the extremes to which one can be tortured!"