(ooc: Thanks, Kanshisha! Just attach the file to the e-mail and send it to meet_soul_reaver@hotmail.com. But the file shouldn't be bigger than 1 MB, ok? Thanks heaps!
Soul Reaver looks at Kanshisha.
"Well, I do not think Demitrius will attack us... but I cannot guarantee he will want to help us, either. We will just have to convince-"
A sudden loud crash in the distance interrupts Soul Reaver's words. Blooddrinker is in his hands almost immediately.
"What was that?!"
Soul Reaver stands stock-still for several moments, in case something were heading towards him. However, silence is all that greets him.
"Careful... it seems someone is nearby..."
Soul Reaver walks cautiously towards the large oaken double-doors near the end of the corridor. They seem to be slightly adjar - a very faint light filters through the crack.
"What... happened here?"
Soul Reaver is looking beside the gate. Two metallic suits of armour lie in a heap on the ground there, each clutching a poleaxe. The suits are heavily damaged, covered in gashes and rents, and punched full of holes.
"It looks like they've been attacked."
Soul Reaver's face becomes more grim as he pushes the door ahead with his left hand, Blooddrinker ready in his right. It creaks as it swings open.
Beyond the door is a long, wide corridor. Two rows of stone columns stretch down its length, one row on the left and one on the right. Some candles set in wrought iron candle-holders shed a weak light.
Soul Reaver advances carefully, not sure what to expect. The flickering shadows cast by the candlight make Soul Reaver uneasy. However, he thinks he can detect faint movement amongst the shadows.
Suddenly, a figure launches itself from behind the columns, teeth bared, a slim sword glittering in its hands. Soul Reaver's massive blade parries a lightning-quick blow by the figure. Soul Reaver steps back at the suddeness of the assault. The figure raises its sword again... but then hesitates.
The figure - it is woman, and a beautiful one at that - looks at Kawanua's eyes with puzzlement on her face... she steps back some more, looking even more confused as she looks his armour over.
Soul Reaver notices that the design of the armour the woman is wearing is oddly similar to Kawanua's. The woman speaks.
"Who... who are you??"