((OOC: Eek! The ship be leaving without Tukedo!
Let me know if you have any problems with this next post, Jihon, Ill change it if need be! Matthias/Damien, do what you want here. Id like to be aboard the ship for Asakis side plot. And yeah I know
took me long enough.
Tamrissa frowns as the others begin to board the ship again. She takes Tukedo by the arm and drags him towards the ramp/stairs.
Well continue this on board the ship.
Or so she thinks
The powerless sorceress sags against the wall after the abrupt shake up. She fights off a wave of sickness.
Jihon needs to put new shocks on this thing. We shouldnt be feeling the bumps on the road this badly, her eyes close and she stands straight again.
No sooner does she begin walking than she is on the ground after another violent rumble.
By the gods, I will never get to Cenzar if I cant keep my balance for more than five minutes! she smacks her fists onto the floor beside her and sits up, glaring up at the ceiling as if there is someone there to listen to her complaint.
The ship vibrates again and she crawls to the wall, pulling herself up hand over hand. Grasping at the smoothness of it, she carefully changes direction to try and find someone to tell her whats happening. Her fingertips wrap around the inner sill of a circular window and she pulls herself in front of it to stare out. She widens her eyes at what she sees.
Asaki? she mumbles with a befuddled look on her face.
When she sees that those on the other ship and Asaki have re-entered Jihons vessel, she moves along to find where they will end up. She is barely ten feet from the door to the main chamber, when Soul Reaver smashes through it.
A small cough comes from outside the door after he enters and she steps in, waving her hand in front of her face to clear away the smoke. She blinks and stops abruptly as she sees the scene before her. Her eyes narrow on Taro as he accuses Asaki of some crime, then on the Sorean speaking about a trial.
Cenzar forgive me, this must be solved first, she whispers to herself.
Pushing her shoulders back, raising her chin and crossing her arms, she raises a finger to get attention.
Tamrissa Roshan, mostly human, a woman never tells, Cordia and I certainly hope I am a loyal companion to the accused, if not a friend. It shames me to say I do not know her as well as I should, so it is difficult to say whether she committed the crime or no. Yet, from the time I have spent with the young woman I can discern that if she was ever something evil and malignant, it is not now, she turns her eyes to Asaki for a moment and then back to those she addresses. While I have known her, there has never been a time when she would not have risked her life for one of us and/or all that is right. There has never been a crime done by her hands, only justice and good. I would trust her at my back any day. And knowing all that, I may come to the conclusion that she either was taken over by an unstoppable force which drove her to commit the crime
or she herself did not do it at all.
She keeps a steady gaze on the Sorean leader.
Forgive me for not having more information to contribute, but I can truly think of no other words to speak that would be closer to the truth. Your prisoner is not deserving of a torturous death, not is she deserving of any punishment. The many lives she has saved should be enough to end this vendetta
Her eyes burn in Taros direction before coming back to their rightful place.
and save her soul.
Giving a small nod to indicate she is finished, she steps back against the wall.
((OOC: Hopefully this is what the Sorean leader wants...if not, kick Tam off the ship or something.