((OOC: Wonderful posts, Florentina! Lovin' your writing style! And looking forward to reading more!
Welcome aboard the epic BB, Xeno! I was wondering when you'd be showing up.
Tamrissa shakes her head slowly as Gulver screams his goals and purposes to her, promising her death.
"All a misunderstanding," she whispers to herself. "And death will be the only way out of it...him or me."
Wisps of her hair tear free from the pins she secured them with, wildly spiraling back and forth towards the orb. Her clothing pulls forward, smoothing down against the length of her body from the back. She puts everything into her shields, arms punched down to her sides.
A sudden cry bursts from her lips as a large section of rock slams into her left leg and sends her to her knees as the orb pulls even the heaviest objects towards it.
Idiotic headstrong girl, a strangely pleasing voice, despite his tone, grinds into her mind with a thick accent.
It is no wonder those around you strive to keep you out of danger.With a fierce look of shock and recognition crossing Tam's face, a six-pointed golden ray appears at the center of her forehead. Her body fades abruptly and appears atop a length of still standing wall. She gasps and kneels down to catch her balance and put a hand to the back of her gashed and bruised leg.
Let the vampire help you, his voice clouds her mind as she begins to form a disobedient retort.
If he doesn't, I will!The obvious battle between listening to the convincing voice and disobeying it is obvious on her contorted expression.
Fei, she finally breathes reluctantly into her bondmate's mind.
I...may need help.A small smile forms on her lips as she manages to squeeze out the
may, yet her powers open to his and her eyes go back to Gulver.
"You've misunderstood my intentions," she speaks levelly, shaking off the recent mind visitor. "I was never trying to make you my slave, only trying to bring about a freedom of spirit for you. And it has worked so far, though not in the direction I had hoped it to go. Tell me what you expected me to do when it was known that you were a mass murderer and programmed killing machine? If I had let you go, what kind of risks could you have cost me? If I had killed you from the start, would it have made it better?"
She stands slowly, head bowed slightly and eyes remaining on him.
"I had little proof that you would not kill again, but I chose to not threaten your life," her fingers wrap around her sword as it comes to her hand. "And the harshest thing I have ever put you through is de-moblizing you and that was only to save others that I felt did not deserve to die...that is not the intentions of a slaver, is it? A true master would have used you towards his or her own good, drove you to destroy where it was beneficial...forced you to move...forced you to kill. A true master would have not allowed you to feel, but wiped away the 'error' in your systems."
Her final speech ends with that and she stands waiting...