((OOC: oops.. i forgot that the training had already started ^_^;;.. Ore wa Baka desu ^_^;;. I also thought Kawnua was going to do the training in one big post ^_^;;...
I'm sorry
anywho, i'm going to postr something. but it IS NOT a god mod ))
Kanshisha stretches his arms and yawns.
"Very well, old man.. i'll ablige your request...", he says coldly as he slowly gets into an offensive battle stance. He does not sheath the masamune, nor summon grandiel.
"IKUZO!!!!!!", he roars as he dashes at Keseno with incredible agility. His hands are opened wide and his eyes flare a puplre hue of mist and flame.
The omnigen gift flares itself to life as Kanshisha continues his approach at Keseno.
Within mere seconds, a spectacle of blurred fists and kicks are seen between Kanshisha and Keseno. Each connecting attack like thunder against the valley grounds.
Rapid motion and fueling rage saturates the training grounds as Kanshisha continues his assault agains Keseno.
"LET'S DO IT!!!!!!", Kanshisha roars as he lunges into the air and clasps his hands together.
A deep, demonic growl emits itself from an invisible source above Kanshisha's now clasped hands.
Clouds begin to meterialise and swirl around them as thge thunder and lighting strikes and clashes across the skies.
And with a dragon-like howl, Grandiel arises from Kanshisha's hands as it is soaked with the blood of his flesh and empowered with the deital force of the Omnigen gift.
As Kanshisha clasps the elongated weapon, he glares down at Keseno with his ever rage- burning eyes.
"SHINEI!!!!!!!"within a split moment, Kanshishabolts down at Keseno with grandiel battle ready to shed blood at any willing moment.
"GIVE ME YOUR BEST, YOU DECREPIT OLD RELIC!!!!!((OOC... ok i think that that should hurry things up a bit...))