Jihon nods to Soul and then looks at Kenso.
"Yes... I cannot ask any of you to follow me... And I want it that way..."
Relk walks up to Jihon and places his hand on his shoulder...
Relk: You do understand why I did what I did... Right?
Jihon: Yes... Nothing more should be said... Only tell me how?
Relk: I made your age decrease with a spell... Then I left you with friends that I had made on my time one earth...
JIhon: Stop there...
A screen pops up on the controll panel and unfolds into a larger one. The warp tumor can be seen through the monitor...
Jihon looks at the monitor...
"A representative of the bed family will come for you eventually... Go with him, but do not trust his forked tongue..."
Jihon looks at Relk....
Relk: What do you plan to do?
JIhon: Something he...
Jihon points to the monitor.
Jihon: Won't expect... He knows his time is comming... I can feel the anxiety in the mask...
Jihon looks to Soul and then the rest....
"Take them from here... Everyone... The shame slaves... Any living thing on this ship... It has to be empty for my plan to work..."
Relk smiles through his mask...
Relk: I am comming with you...
JIhon: No...
Jihon holds up his hand and a warp gate opens. He pushes the man through it and it snaps shut. He the pushes a button on the controll panel banning all warp travel into the ship other than the gate that still remains open... Jihon looks at Soul...
"Go down the stairs... At the bottom lies an underground river... At the end of the river is North City... The largest city on this planet... The tunnel should still be well lit... The matri Vihar tend to keep things well in order... If you happen to encounter Thisias.... Don't worry... He seems to be keeping himself quite well despite the curse. It is a large city, so no one should be able to find you. It is a good place to lay low... Here..."
Jihon pulls out the familliar box of capsules. He lifts a peice of paper from the box and hands it to Soul. On the paper is an adress.
"There is an old friend that lives at this adress, I think you'll remember him... I know he will remember you. After the CE turned him down... And his bar was destroyed by Alex... And He was nearly killed by the hells wind.... Just stay there for a while..."
Jihon turns away, his wife looks quite concerned.
"Don't worry about me Lisette. I'll be injured... But I can't die."
<b> "I am the damned child... The legacy of shame... Yet... I fight... I will continue in my fathers footsteps... whether I am accepted or not..."</b>