Posts: 472
Apr 18 03 7:02 AM
Alter-Ego Character
((ooc: Remember what i said about Gaiseric and the Kenshi, Kawanua? Yes? Good doggie. Plus, Gaiseric was preparing ONE attack. not a multitude. But i guess i'll just go alogn with the flow.....))
The Kenshi, now beign bruned away, dahses backwards in a burst of speed. The blazing residue from Keseno's attack dissolved away, leaving the Kenshi's skin and elven armour singed.
"AnNOying LiTtle cOW!!!", it screatches as it shoots into the sky above.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile, Above the planet~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gaiseric floats docile above everworld. The explosion was mindblowing, but Gaiseric recovered effortlessly and began to continue his preparation of the God hand.
"...5% will do fine for a meek world such as this..", he scowls under his breath.
Soon, the elements of light and shadow combine into a flaring sphere similar to that of the sun. The Sphere grew larger with each new pulse of energy. But it not only grew in size, but in ferocity as it violenty blazed in aggrressive tension. Soon, the sphere was half the size as the sun.
".....that should do fine.....", Gaiseric said with a smirk of approval.
The Sphere was so intense that even the atmosphere began to burn off and even freeze. Various elements flared around the sphere at random durations a Gaiseric calmly hled the gigantic orb, hovering above his hands.
And with a heave of force, the Sphere is sent violently towards the planet's crust. Inhuman roars of rage could be heard from within the sphere was it blazed its way down towards the planet.
((OOC: Everworld is supposedly humongous!! So it make take a while for the Speher t reach the surface. But it still going EXTREMELY fast. ))
~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile, on Everworld~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Duriel sighed with annoyance as Keseno snatched Sera away form him.
" Oh dear.. you look mad....GOOD!!!!", Duriel said in a taunting manner.
"well? Come and Get me little angel!"
With a burst of dimensional force, Duriel leaps from the chamber, shattering the room in his wake.
His wings begin to flash in a brillinat radiance as they become distorted and bizzare.
He knew Keseno was powerful. But this was of no concern. Just before he reached a viable vicinity, he vanishes, reappering above Sera.
"Peak-a-boo, sweety!!!, he roars as he clasps his hands around Sera's neck, pulsing surges of god-like pain throughout her body, giving her a partake of what was a taste of things to come.
With that done, he throws her into the lake below.
"Hi there!, Duriel says with a wry smile as his face is at point blank range with Keseno's. Within an instinctual moment, An aura blazed around Duriel, forcing Keseno into the palace, bursting him withruogh several walls. Almost to where Rhiyou was thrown through.
"...mmmm... am i making a mess?! Weeeeeee~!!!"
A small sphere begins to materialise above Duriel's hand. Then suddenly a multitude of white balls of light begin to surround him as he grins in a deep, diabolical tone.
Within the sphere s of light, balled up in fetal positions, were large, worm-like demons of all shapes and sizes.
hundreds more of these spheres began to appear around Duriel as he continued to charge the sphere.
Just as the sphere grew at its climax intensity, he crushes it.
Instantly upon the curshing of the Sphere, the many balls of light burts open in flares as an array of hundreds of various serpent-like demons bolt towards the palace.
They were enveloped in a white light, yet they were demonic in nature. Thus showing only a fraction of Duriel's power.
"The level 6 skill of the God Hand...Gods help us...", Otaken said in horror.
Kanshisha could only look at the lake of which Duriel launched Sera into. Before he could dart towards the lake, Oboro blacked his way and began to tattack.
"Sorry, my prince! But now you must fight ME!!!!!!"
Kanshisha finds himself being pummled by an aggressive barrage of Omnigen-charged punches and kicks.
Oboro's movements were so swift and accurate that Kanshisha could just barely telegraph them.
And with Otaken to hold onto, it was just as hard to keep concentration.
Suddenly, Otaken let's go of Kanshisha and dahses towards the Palace, to where Rhiyou was.
He could see the Divine Vampire was injured, but not of anything serious.
... no wounds, huh? Duriel is Toying with us...., Otaken thought to himself.
"Come, my boy. your ally needs aid!", He calls out to Rhiyou.
Now with both of Kanshisha's arms free, he bolted towards Oboro with unseen speed, launching blow against blow with mind-blowing velocity.
Their movments were merely blurs of red, black, and grey.
"Lord Rhiyou!! Please help Sera!!!!", he calls out to Rhiyou in desperation.
But suddenly, Kanshisha felt a intense, ominous force arriving at an ever increasing speed.
It was Gaiseric's Oblivion Sphere.
"dear gods.......", Kanshisha siad as he looked on in Horror.
Just before Oboro could lay in a strike once more, Kanshisha vanishes and reappears in the path infront of the Sphere.
He charges the Omnigen to a deadly intensity as his aura covers miles in mere moments.
"I shall not let this world be destroyed!!!!!!", he roared as he clasps his hands together and turns his back to the Sphere.
((ooc: think of the formation that Goku uses when his is performing a "Kame-ha-meha". Or the formation that Ryu and Gouki use when the are about to do a "Hadouken"))
Kanshisha's voice begins to churn and distort with dimensional force as he prepares his attck.
"Meldon kuruishon ka han ren!!!!!!", he howls as an enormous sphere flars to life within his hands.
And with god-liek force, he launches a pillar of dimensional and divine power towards the incoming sphere.
"Meryuu kon kan shiihuaaa!!!!!!!!!", he continues to cry out as the beam grows in intesnsity and power as it forces its way against the sphere.
With hsi rage now in-motion, he sends forth sixteen bursts of power to the penacle of the beam, forcing the sphere to expload, causing a shockwave to flow throughout the skies of everworld.
Kanshisha pants with exhaustion, despite the fact that he had plenty of power left.
"..And now to deal with YOU!!!!", he says as he bolts towards Oboro.