((OOC: Natalya, Just to let you know, Im not ignoring your character. Ill have her out of that jail cell as soon as we can get through this battle. I would have had her out sooner, but things got held up with the gate issue and the side-quest.
As for the rest of you, sorry I didnt post last night. I was playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I didnt get home till 2:30am. That may start being the norm for Saturday night, so dont expect too much out of me on Saturdays
Oh, and before I forget
Kawanua and Kanshi
Lets watch the god modding, okay? Kith has a point. Ive been reading the side quest, and although its minor now, it looks like it could get out of hand extremely fast. Kawanua, I know youre pretty much the battle host of the side quest, but dont forget that you still cant just god mod at will. If anyone has any questions or concerns, My AIM name is haloXXIV, and my e-mail address is clutchfiend@board-battles.com. And you could always just PM me. I answer those too.
And now, without further ado, here is my post.
The Homunculuss energy ball smashes into the back of the wraith, crippling it. Two other wraiths regard the small airborne creature, but it is too high in the air for the wraiths to attack it, so they ignore it and charge their enemies on the ground.
Tamrissas fire attack engulfs one of the wraiths robes in flames. It runs around in circles, screeching wildly, dropping its sword and trying to beat the flames out with its hands. The second wraith is caught in the explosion underneath it, and is thrown backwards. It quickly leaps to its feet again, however, and charges Tamrissa with its claws extended. The third wraith is caught by Tamrissas vines and impaled. Its life force is quickly extinguished. Three more charging wraiths hear the screams of their comrades and quickly move in, attacking Tam with swords drawn. However, these wraiths are set upon by Kitharsiss skeletons.
The first two energy balls fired by the skeletons connect, killing their surprised targets. The other two wraiths are hit as well, but they saw the attack coming and were in the process of dodging. They fall to the ground, but immediately get back up. One resumes charging Tamrissa. The other charges the skeletons, calling two other wraiths over to assist it.
Kitharsiss tendril does connect with the first wraith, exploding and blowing the wraith into small fragments. Once engaged in melee combat with the other two wraiths, Kith throws his shoulder into one, which sends it flying backward. However, before Kith has the opportunity to uppercut the other wraith, it attacks, taking a gash out of Kiths side with its sword. Delighted by the sudden bloodshed, the wraith presses in further, trying to stab Kitharsis a second time.
The three wraiths that are approached by Kelvack look quite confused, but they eventually get over this and lunge at their seemingly helpless target, intending on decapitating him.
Gale enters into melee combat with a wraith, who parries the glaives like an expert swordsman and wheels to the left, trying to get a slash in on his side. Jandras attack actually causes the wraith she is attacking to lose its sword. It hesitates for a moment, and then charges in, attempting to use its claws to rip Jandras throat out.
Chris kills one with his sword. However, as he turns to unleash his psychic blade, he discovers that there are no more wraiths nearby that arent either dead or in combat. This doesnt last long, as the gate behind Chris suddenly produces 4 more wraiths, which giggle in delight and charge the warrior.
Meanwhile, Cameron has two wraiths of his own to deal with. The one attacks him head on, while the other moves to get around behind him. Cameron meets the scimitar of the first wraith with his own blade and parries, rolling to one side before shoving a combat boot into the wraiths midsection. He then moves behind it, facing the other wraith just at it attacks. Cameron is ready. Extending the hand opposite of his sword hand, he mutters something under his breath, and a gout of flame bursts from his fingertips, engulfing the two wraiths and incinerating them. He then looks around, but sees that all the other wraiths are pre-occupied. Seeing the crippled wraith that the Homunculus had attacked trying to crawl its way towards Rhiyou, Cameron walks over to it and puts it out of his misery. He then looks to the warp gate in time to see 3 new wraiths attacking Chris. He quickly charges in that direction, intending to attack the wraiths and attempt to close the gate before any more enemies appear.
((OOC: Heres the recap:
Homunculus: Crippled one. Has no more wraiths attacking it.
Tamrissa: Killed one, lit one on fire. Has two wraiths (one disarmed) attacking her.
Rhiyou: Currently, there are no wraiths attacking this warrior.
Gale: 1 wraith still in melee combat.
Jandra: 1 wraith (disarmed) attacking.
Kitharsis: Killed one, knocked one over. 1 still in melee combat.
Skeletons: Killed two. Two are attacking.
Kelvack: 3 attacking.
Chris: 4 attacking, but Camerons on his way to back him up.
Cameron: Killed 3. Now moving to aid Chris.
Totals: Alive and attacking: 14
Killed: 7
Crippled/unconscious: 2
Total: 23!
Just to let you know I am counting.