Cameron studies Tamrissa as she stands to the one side of the room. He had gotten the report from the Marines he had assigned to keep an eye on her quarters that she seemed to only speak in a strange dialect that none of them could understand. Although Cameron couldn't understand the language when he had heard Tamrissa using it with Fei, he knew what language it was. His temporary bond with Tamrissa had provided him with this knowledge.
Cameron stares at Tamrissa for a few minutes, and then suddenly looks down as the ground shakes. This was something that had been really bugging him. The ground has been shaking like that all day, and no one in Command HQ had been able to tell him why. A quick mental scan of the Elemental Tower marks Kari Katrea in it's top control room. She is more then likely trying to figure out what is causing the tremors. Cameron refrains from contacting her for the moment, as he has more pressing business to take care of.
Cameron looks back towards the entrance just as Mary Argent enters the room. Strangely enough, Mary takes a quick look around and then makes a beeline straight for Danyael. Cameron watches her move across the room with an eyebrow raised.
Mary enters the room and quickly locates Danyael. Making her way over to him, she leans up against the wall beside him. Her right hand searches for and finds his left hand.
"Hi. Sorry I took so long. Did I miss anything?"
Cameron's other eyebrow shoots up as he witnesses Mary grab Danyael's hand. She had been missing in action all week. Cameron had assumed that she had simply left the city to escape the warp shields. but now he is having other suspicions. Lost in thought, Cameron doesn't know Karyl is behind him until a hand clamps down on his shoulder. Cameron jumps and turns around quickly. Karyl flashes his million dollar bard smile at Cameron.
"Good morning, Cameron! How the hell are ya! Sleep well? Oh... wait... you only sleep once every few weeks or something fucked up like that, right?"
Cameron nods. He can't help but grin at Karyl's constant enthusiasm.
"Yeah, but I slept last night."
Karyl smiles and winks.
"My man, somehow I doubt you were doing much sleeping. Know what I mean?"
Cameron simply smiles and nods back.
"Hey, I have to address the group, okay? We'll pick this back up later."
Karyl nods knowingly.
"Ah, yes. No problem! I'm not going anywhere."
Cameron now walks into the middle of the lobby. Everyone appears to have arrived with the exception of Kari and Garr. Kari is busy investigating the tremors, and Garr is off performing another task for Cameron. Cameron shouts to get everyone's attention. As he does so, he catches the eyes of Natalya. He knows almost immediately that something is wrong, but he keeps himself from showing it. He addresses the group instead.
"Im sorry to keep you all waiting. Is everyone here? We're almost ready to move out."
As Fei peeks around his bench, footsteps can be heard approaching down the hallway. They apparently belong to one person. The person soon comes into full few.
As Garr rounds the corner and walks down the corridor to Fei's cell, he notices something odd. There seems to be no light coming from the cell door. He quickly stops short, deciding that it would be best to address the vampire from a distance.
"Lord Serumen! I've been sent to collect you from this cell. Lord Cameron demands to see you in person before he lets you free. Now there are two ways we can perform this action. Either you can come peacefully, or I can leave you here to rot while we all go to Cadia without you. Lord Cameron will make sure that no guards come anywhere near you, since you obviously have no need for food or drink."
Garr's expression remains emotionless.
"What will it be, Lord Serumen?"
Administrator of the Administorum