The companions continue to walk until they reach a control room. The officer punches in a code and scans his hand, and the door slides open. Cameron walks in just behind the officer and glances around the large room. The walls are lined with monitors. Most of them are showing various angle shots of the Eye of Terror, although a few here and there show scenes from different spots on Cadia. Cameron spots a familiar figure and walks into the room, dodging a few technicians and uniformed officers as they quickly move between different stations in the room. Cameron calls out to the large figure just ahead of him in the Blood Angels uniform.
"Lord Dante!"
The Chapter Master of the Blood Angels turns from the map table he had been studying. Seeing Cameron, he flashes a salute, which Cameron immedeately returns.
"Lord Aileron. You're here. And I'm assuming that means the Grey Knights have arrived as well. Is all well on Cellaris V?"
Cameron nods quickly.
"Yes. We were able to repair most of the damage from the Tyranid assault before leaving."
Dante frowns.
"Yes... I'm sorry we couldn't come and help, but we would not have arrived here in time."
Cameron nods.
"I understand. But I believe time against us right now... is everything ready?"
Dante gestures behind him at the map table.
"it's all here. But we're going to need a force on Cadia that can quickly clear the launch zone."
Cameron glances behind him at the companions.
"Will the strike team do? We can use Thunderhawks to get them back on the ships before we open the gate."
Dante nods in agreement.
"Fine. But we'll need them to be at the base on Cadia as soon as possible. There's a Thunderhawk docked in Gate 6 right now. I'll inform them to be expecting passengers."
Cameron glances over at one of the terminals, where technicians are coordinating traffic in and out of the station. He then looks back at Dante.
"Fine. I'll have that officer take them down to the ship and get them on their way. I need to speak with you and the other chapter masters to go over the final plan. Are they all here?"
Dante glances over his shoulder, where Commander Cortez of the Crimson Fists is gesturing at a troop deployment plan that is displaying on a screen. he is talking to Marlenus Calgar, master of the Ultramarines, who is modifying the force deployment chart on the screen using a terminal.
"Yes, they're all here. Calger and Cortez are over there, and the others are a chamber below us."
Cameron nods.
"Great. I'll go get the strike team moving."
Cameron walks back over to the companions and approaches the Ultramarines officer.
The officer quickly salutes.
"Awaiting orders, Lord Aileron!"
Cameron returns the salute.
"Good. Get my friends here to Gate 6. There's a Thunderhawk waiting to take them to Cadia."
The marine barks a quick "Yes sir" and then begins to move toward an elevator on the other side of the room. Cameron turns to the companions, noting that Kalana had already left the group and was now talking to Lord Dante.
"Okay, guys... just follow that officer. He'll take you to the ship that will take you to Cadia's surface. I'll be rejoining you guys shortly."
Cameron then turns away and walks back towards Dante. The officer has reached the elevator by now, and is holding the door open. he waits for all the companions to board, and then allows the door to close and starts the elevator's descent.
As the elevator comes to a stop, The officer glances up at the floor indicator.
"Here we are... Gate 6 should be the first gate beyond the lift."
The doors open, revealing a large metal corridor streching out for about 75 yards. There are large airlock doors set into either side of the corridor in various locations. The first one of these, with the number "6" displayed above it, is open, and the officer heads for this door.
Walking inside the large airlock, the companions can see another Thunderhawk gunship with it's doors open, waiting to be loaded. This ship, unlike the ones the companions had flown in earlier, is marked with the blue colors and the large omega "U" symbols of the Ultramarines. The officer gestures towards the ship.
"There you go... go ahead and load up."
The pilots of the sip wait for the companions to climb aboard and sit down. They then close up the ship. The officer leaves the airlock, and the corridors close and seal. Then the floor seems to drop out of the airlock, and the gunship is soon back in space, heading for Cadia. The pilot looks down at the companion sitting below him.
"Welcome aboard, lords and ladies. Please brace for re-entry."
The gunship breaks out of re-entry and swings above the top level of the hive-like structure that makes up the majority of the planet Cadia. Finding an opening, the gunship drops into the maze of walkways and suspended roads that interconnect the many levels of the structure. After moving down 5 or 6 levels, the gunship breaks into an opening and emerges near a large building which is obviously an Imperial Alliance military complex. There is a large platform marked off as an airfield close by, and the Thunderhawk drops in and lands easily. The doors open, and the pilot looks down once again.
"Well, guys... welcome to Cadia."
"If I'm killed by the questions like a cancer, then I'll be buried in the silence of the answer."
Administrator of the Administorum