As Soul Reaver continues to charge, the marine directly in front of him reacts. Seeing that his Bolter is obviously innefective, he drops it and pulls what appears to be a sword shaped chainsaw from his back: a chainsword. There is a high pitched whirring sound as the blade comes to life, and then the marine counter-charges, aiming for Soul Reaver's head and neck.
As the bolts impact Sypher, the mili-second fuses on the rounds ignite, causing the depleted deuterium cores to detonate. The resulting small explosions cause Sypher to stagger backwards, which causes his spear of force to be slightly off target. Instead of hitting the marine in the stomach, it impacts off of one of the marine's heavily armored shoulder pads, cracking the left one in three places. It does not penetrate the whole way through, although it does bruise the marine's shoulder badly, causing him to drop his bolter. He focuses on Sypher and draws his chainsword with one hand while he pulls a frag grenade with the other. The grenade is immedeately hurled in Sypher's direction. He will have but a moment to react before it goes off.
Fei's roundhouse kick is effective at driving the already off balance Chaos marine backwards. However, the two marines to the right of him react in time to jump out of the way of their falling comrade. As Fei hits the downed marine and removes both his arms, the marine lets out a high pitched scream of anguish, distorted by his helmet's speakers. The other two marines watch their comrade's arms fly into the air and immedeately drop their knives and draw their chainswords. They charge quickly, tying to catch Fei off balance as he finishes his attack on the downed soldier.
The marine Faidth is attacking misses completely with his burst of boltgun fire as she dives towards his legs. The white hot skeerya rips through the marine's leg armor, cutting two huge chunks out of his calf muscles. The marine yelps in pain and begins to topple forward. Faidth will have to move or risk having the bulky combination of man and metal fall directly on top of her.
As with Sypher, the few bolts that make it through and impact on Kitharsis explode, causing him some minor discomfort, although his thick skin absorbs most of the damage for now. He manages to grab the gun of the marine and gets it pointed away from him. The marine fires a few more bursts past Kitharsis's head while trying to wrest the bolter away from Kitharsis, and is unable to do much about the punch to the face, which dents the helmet and causes one of the lenses to short out for a moment. Suddenly, in a split second maneuver that will probably catch Kitharsis off guard, the marine lets go of the Bolter completely and draws his chainsword, aiming a quick slash at Kitharsis's midsection.
Kelvack's attack catches the Chaos marine in the back of the pack completely off guard. The impact of the spikes is enough to partially pierce through the marine's chestplate, lifting him up off the ground. Unable to get free, the marine fires his bolter in a wild arc. Some of the bolts head in Kelvack's direction.
Natalya's attack is suprisingly effective. One of the two ice spikes catches a marine who was looking the other way in the neck, penetrating the weak point in the armor. Blood juts from the wound and the marine crumples to the ground, a sick gurgling sound eminating from his helmet's speakers. The other spike misses as a marine sees it coming and moves out of the way. He attempts to direct bolter fire at Natalya, but she is a;ready too close to one of his comrades for him to get a shot off. Natalya's spike hits a marine in the chest, bunching through the chestplate and mortally wounding him. As he begins to fall, Natalya wraps her icy whip around his neck and pulls, trying to snap it. In a dying motion, the marine activates something in his left hand and shoves it towards Natalya. It's a plasma grenade, and the hot burning plasma around it causes it to stick to her midsection, burning into her skin. She will only have a few seconds to try and remove it before it explodes and traps her in a mini inferno.
The other marines continue to direct fire at the companions, trying their best not to hit any of their own.
I can't remember how this got started.
But I can tell you exactly how it will end.
Administrator of the Administorum