The chasm is deep and rocky and relatively broad. It is very long, running approximately north-east from here. Near where you are standing the chasm peters out, turning into a steep incline up a hillside. At the top that hill you see a large boulder… the centre of the rock bears an unusual-looking hole – narrow but deep, and surrounded by a dark stain.
Further north-east, the chasm eventually cleaves through a low-lying mountain range, forming a natural pass to the north. The flat surface on the bottom of the chams would make travel along it relatively comfortable.
Around the chasm here is nothing but green grass and the occasional tree. You can still just barely make out the horsemen in the distance, though they are little more than specks from here.
Soul Reaver can give you further information on this place if you ask him. You can also walk back to the fields where you arrived, or approach the riders in the distance. If you prefer, you can also ask Soul Reaver to take you to the cliff he mentioned earlier. Finally, you also have the option of leaving Dynaria via Warp Gate and entering the Warp.