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Welcome to the To the Bitter End official website! As of 24/8/2011: NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN CHINESE AND RUSSIAN! After over 6 years of work, the epic tale of Soul Reaver, Fei Serumen, Cameron Aileron, Kitharsis and Sera Poi and their battles against Morganem is complete. It's been a long time, and I thank you all for your patience over these many years. In case you're still undecided, you can view the Prologue cinematic below: Now go to the Download page immediately to get the To the Bitter End campaign file! 27-01-22 To the Bitter End has been updated to v1.0.08! v1.0.08 revamps the position of hero spells in the command card and modifies the hotkeys for non-hero units. This was done to bring To the Bitter End more in-line with the standard found in other Warcraft III custom campaigns. Additional changes include a number of changes to cinematics to make them better compatible with a 16:9 aspect ratio, some small performance enhancements to Chapter V, and a minor buff to Explosive Shells, increasing the radius at which it causes full damage. The Chinese and Russion versions have also been updated. Note 1: "To the Bitter End" was built on a legacy version of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, prior to the release of the abomination that is Warcraft III: Reforged. As Warcraft III: Reforged currently does not officially support Custom Campaigns, To the Bitter End will likely not be compatible with any versions of Warcraft III after versions 1.29. Note 2: due to the complexity of updating all the strings, there is small chance that there are bugs in the text (partiuclarly in the translated versions) so if you find any such error, please email me to let me know. 05-01-17 The Chinese version has now also been updated to v1.0.07. 14-12-16 Fixed a small bug in the Russian version that caused the Chapter names in the Chapter Select screen to not display correctly. 13-12-16 Once again, To the Bitter End is released in another language! To the Bitter End v1.0.07 has been translated into Russian! A huge thank you to Кирляндия for the huge volunteer effort he put into this. I am incredibly happy that To the Bitter End can be enjoyed by more people, and am fantastically grateful to Кирляндия for the many hours he put into making this happen. The translation now released has been deemed "TTBE Release version 1.0.07, Russian Translation Version 1.0.00". You can get the campaign from the Russian mirror of my site - just change your language setting on the 'Choose Language' option on the top left and head to the download page! 12-5-16 To the Bitter End has been updated to v1.0.07! v1.0.07 features a completely new difficulty modification system. The 'easy' and 'medium' difficulty commands will both reduce the damage you take and incrase the damage you deal, and thus make the game considerably easier than before. The default 'hard' difficulty remains unchanged of course, and real heroes only play on hard! There has also been an AI fix to Chapter V, and various small tooltip and grammar fixes. 4-9-16 To the Bitter End 1.0.06 has been updated and re-uploaded It's a small cosmetic change so I don't think it justifies a whole new version number, but I've added shadow maps to all outdoor areas in the game. It should make it look just a little bit better. Thank you to Кирляндия for the suggestion! 1-9-16 To the Bitter End has been updated to v1.0.06! There aren't any major changes in this one, just a couple of minor bugfixes: - Fixed doodad placement in Chapter VI that could potentially cause a unit to be teleported into a spot from which there is no escape during the final boss battle Note that many of mybugfixes were implemented thanks to the YouTube Let's Play videos of To the Bitter End that I've seen - thank you both to Jayborino and Azothan for sharing your extremely entertaining videos! 17-1-16 To the Bitter End has been updated to v1.0.05! This version fixes a whole bunch of niggling little errors that I've found and have been bothering me. Changes include: - Incorrect trigger entries that reduced the efficiency of Blood Plague in Chapters 5-8 have now been fixed 6-9-15 After a monumental volunteer effort by Heishimo (He), the entirety of To the Bitter End v1.0.04 has been translated into Chinese! This has been a incredible achievement, and I have to thank Heishimo from the bottom of my heart for all his localization efforts. The translation now released has been deemed "TTBE Release version 1.0.04, Chinese Translation Version 1.0.00". You can get the campaign from the Chinese mirror of my site - just change your language setting on the 'Choose Language' option on the top left and head to the download page! 20-3-14 After a ton of work, 'To the Bitter End' has been updated to version 1.0.04! This is a massive update. A non-exhaustive list of changes is below: - Implemented a Damage Detection system that gets used with Blooddrinker Possession and Celerity, among other things. This will make these abilities more 'accurate', with no chance of teleporting away before finishing a hit 2-7-13 It's taken a long time, but the loving crafter and illustrated To the Bitter End Game Manual is now available for your download pleasure. For convenience, it's been included in the main download, but you can also view it separately by clicking on the big 'Manual' button near the top left! 14-3-13 It's been a while, but, 'To the Bitter End' has been updated to version 1.0.03! This version features two small updates: You can get the new version from the Download page. Note: version 1.0.03 will not 'remember' Chapter progress you may have made in an older version, and saved games/replays made with an older version are not compatible with the new one! 15-7-12 After quite some work and testing, 'To the Bitter End' has been updated to version 1.0.02! What was initally intended as a minor
update has actually seen quite a few changes. These include: You can get the new version from the Download page. Note: version 1.0.02 will not 'remember' Chapter progress you may have made in an older version, and saved games/replays made with an older version are not compatible with the new one! 31-1-12 I have made a long-overdue update to the hints section - now there are hints for completing the epic final boss fight in Chapter VIII. Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but on 13-11-2011, 'To the Bitter End' was voted into the Director's Cut section of the Hiveworkshop Warcraft III site. That means the site admins consider it to be truly amongst the very best of the best. Hooray! 10-11-11 After a bit of a break, I'm releasing To the Bitter End version 1.0.01. This version has some minor changes, such as spelling and bugfixes, an improved model for the weapon-less Soul Reaver in Chapter I. Additionally, if for some crazy reason you don't like the in-game music, there is now a command to turn it off - even in those Chapters where the music can't normally be switched off using Warcraft III's inbuilt music volume. Since this is a new feature though, please let me know if you happen to find any bugs with it. Please note that saved games from To the Bitter End version 1.0.00 are not compatible with this newer version! 24-8-11 I may have been hiding something. You see, I wasn't only working on Chapter 8... I was actually working on version 1.0.00, which includes the Prologue and Epilogue cinematic maps too, a massive amount of bug fixes, rebalancing and enhancements, and puts everything together into a campaign file. This is it. To the Bitter End is no longer in beta, it's now a full release. Thank you everyone for waiting. I hope you'll find the wait was worth it. 10-8-11 Actually, the progress indicator above is a little misleading: the cinematics are actually done, but I've got some cleaning up/testing to do before the release. It'll be for the best in the end, I promise. 25-7-11 More progress with another chunk of the second cinematic now complete, including success at a rather tough trigger that I didn't actually expect would end up working so easily. The next release feels like it's in my grasp! 17-7-11 I've made some good, solid progress this weekend. The second cinematic is coming along nicely. 14-7-11 My apologies if progress over these last two weeks has seemed somewhat slow. Unfortunately I ran into a major and unexpected technical hurdle that threatened to ruin my plans for the second cinematic. Fortunately after much experimenting and planning, things are (hopefully) back on track. I expect progress to resume at a more steady pace again now. 30-6-11 A bunch of unexpected issues have been resolved, and the final cinematic to be completed before the next release is now nicely on-track. 8-6-11 Amongst replacing a broken video card, I still found time to complete the first cinematic. Just one more to go before the next major release! 9-4-11 My apologies for the slow progress recently - not only have I been suffering writers' (modders'?) block, but my computer suffered a hard-disk failure about a week ago and I've been spending the time since then trying to get everything back up and running on a new harddisk. The good news is that I haven't lost any progress (I had backups and everything turned out to be fully recoverable) and my computer is back in working order again now. Work on the next release should progress normally again now. 27-2-11 I am back (and married), and life is gradually returning to normal. I've had a bit of time already to work on the cinematics, and the progress details above have been updated to reflect this. 24-1-11 I should give everyone an advance warning: I am getting married in just over two weeks, and after that I will be going on a brief trip. This upcoming marriage has contributed significantly to the recent slow progress. It also means that until I come back on 18 February 2011, my work on To the Bitter End will probably have to go on a brief hiatus. After the 18th February though, there will be no more wedding organizing or trips to worry about and work should continue as normal. However, I have got a lot of work done, and the next major release will be very significant. I need to complete two very major cinematics before that release, and possibly do some playtesting. To give everyone an idea of how long that's likely to take, I've added a progress report to the top of this page, indicating how much of them has been completed thus far. I will try to update this semi-regularly. Note that it is not a reflection of how much work or time is still required (that's impossible to predict) - only how much of the cinematic is complete. In addition, I've added a section to the manual about Morganem's allies, the otherworldly Void Children. 30-12-10 It was recently brought to my attention by Alex Haijean that a bug that I thought I had eliminated has proven far more resilient than I had expected. The bug could, under certain specific circumstances, cause a unit to get completely stuck. While it didn't happen often, if it did, it was a show-stopper. Thus, I'm releasing a new version (0.7.05) which hopefully will be free of this bug. While I was at it, I also added an animation for Fei's Kurusunami and Yugitti abilities. Additionally, the manual has been updated, this time with a description of Morganem's mighty warriors, the Dharuk. 16-12-10 My apologies for the slow updates to the site. If it is any consolation, I have spent the time since the last update making excellent progress with Chapter VIII's cinematics. But to ensure that this update is not just a brief progress update, I have also added to the manual the profile of the last member of Morganem's Council of Six: the ruthless necromancer, Kaine Shariven. 3-11-10 Whew, I've been pretty busy lately, both in real life and with To the Bitter End. In the process of working on Chapter VIII I ended up making a lot of bugfixes and changes to Chapters I-VII, so it's about time for a new version: 0.7.04. Changes this time around are quite
considerable, and include: But that's not all! The Gallery has been updated with several new pieces of excellent art by Stephen Cousins, including images for Soul Reaver, Fei Serumen, Kitharsis, Sera Poi, and the brutish Dharuk. A sign of things yet to come? Be sure to take a look! Lastly, the website has seen a considerable number of updates, including the Manual. There is now a new section detailing the background story of the sinister undead Gravelord, Dustwalker. 21-9-10 I have reached a significant milestone: all the work required for the gameplay for Chapter VIII is now complete. This means, in theory, that Chapter VIII is now playable. In practice, there's still quite a bit to finish though. I have playtesting and balancing to do, possibly some bugs to fix (should I find any I've missed so far), as well as three very sizable cinematics to make. However, I am very pleased with the progress of the map, and the (bitter) end has never looked closer. I've also added the character profile for the mighty, insect-like Kherek to the manual. 8-8-10 After a recent bug report from Steiber Csaba, I have released a new version of Chapters I-VII to version 0.7.03 The primary reason for this revision is a re-write of a number of triggers in Chapter III that could cause allies to fail to spawn correctly in some circumstances - this should now no longer occur. The new versions also include some minor tooltip corrections (for accuracy and grammar). Also, I have added the character profile for the misguided Eryion Xanatha to the manual. 10-7-10 Work on Chapter VIII is still slowly progressing. There have been some minor delays due to unexpected bugs, but these have been resolved. I've also added another character profile to the manual, this one for the sadistic Kathryn Urdanna. 13-6-10 I've been quite busy with TTBE lately, and while most of the work has been going into Chapter VIII, there has also been an update to the existing maps. I'm pleased to announce that Version 0.7.02 of Chapters I-VII are now available from the Download page. The new version consists of a minor fix (Chapter VI
had been missing its version number command) as well as some aesthetic
and balance fixes (don't worry, the balances fixes tend to make life
easier): Lastly, I've fixed a few spelling mistakes on the website, and also added yet another new character profile to the Manual: the brutal Awakened One, Maelstrom. 24-5-10 The last weekend was spent not only on the usual work for Chapter VIII, but also discovering a rather vicious bug in that Chapter that caused saved games to crash when loaded. Fortunately, after a brutal two-day battle, I can report victory - the glitch has been crushed and should not make an appearance when Chapter VIII is released. Chapter VIII is slowly but steadily becoming playable, and I have been playtesting various aspects of it already. I have also rearranged the Manual slightly, and, as promised last time, added a small bit of additional background information: a brief character profile for 'To the Bitter End's antagonist, Morganem. Further updates will follow. 1-5-10 I have recently been reminded that it's been some time since my last update, so it is about time to remind people that I am still amongst the land of the living. Work on Chapter VIII has been progressing, with a major hurdle just recently overcome, and with me getting more time to work on it lately. Furthermore, I've done pretty much all the 'boring' work, which certainly helps keep me motivated. As a small bonus I've added another section to the manual - specifically, it is the tale of Morganem's Rise to Power, and will finally let you all know how things came to be the way they are in the war-torn Plane of Ithia. More backstory updates may follow in the future. 17-3-10 Two images have been added to the Gallery page - both are the work of a very talented artist called Tom Hering. Thank you, Tom! 12-2-10 I've come back from overseas and have been slowly working away at Chapter VIII. However, it has been wisely suggested by someone that I append some sort of version number onto my maps. While I do not want to clutter up my maps with version numbers and instructions, I do see the value in this. So, while playing any newer TTBE map release, you can view its version number by typing in "version" (without quotation marks) into the chat window. This will display the version. If nothing comes up, then the map is older than version 0.7.01, and you might want to download a newer version from this site. The most up-to-date version number will always be listed at the top of the Download page, in case you need to check. In addition to the version numbers, the latest release also has a very minor bugfix and some spelling corrections. Now, back to work on Chapter VIII... 21-12-09 A number of rather major life events (purchasing and moving into my first house, getting engaged, and now an upcoming one-month overseas holiday) have made progress on Chapter VIII considerably more sporadic than I had hoped - I've been pretty much flat out dealing with these things for the past month or two, with only a few chances to really sit down and concentrate on working on To the Bitter End. However, I do want to reassure everyone that I am still around, and I am still working on Chapter VIII, and that progress is being made. The pace should pick up again considerably once I return from my holiday. 12-09-09 I have recently purchased a new computer, and it has taken me some time to set up everything on it. It is now up and running and work on Chapter VIII was set to continue. However, up until this reinstall, I had been using Warcraft III version 1.23. After this reinstall, and on installing the 1.24 patch, an error (due to some trigger changes) made it impossible for me to edit my own maps. Strangely enough however, they still remained playable with no apparent bugs or ill effects. Since the maps still play problem-free on 1.24, I've made no changes to the maps hosted online yet. I personally have also 'downgraded' back to 1.23 to continue editing - while I may address the issue in the future, it's not much of a problem if it does not affect playability, so it is not a high priority. However, should you experience any problems playing the maps using Warcraft III v1.24, please send me an e-mail (at meet_soul_reaver@hotmail.com) and let me know. 27-07-09 A new version of Chapter VII has been uploaded, which rebalances the final battle slightly, making it slightly more challenging. 17-07-2009 Another TTBE-inspired image has been donated by Chris Oldland - this time it is one of the dark Void Children. You can view it in the Gallery section of this site. 14-07-2009 A new version of Chapter VII has been uploaded, which (hopefully) eliminates a bug that could under certain circumstances prevent a door for opening for Clutchfiend/Cameron - the problem was caused by the 'Undying' enemies in the previous section, which previously could be bypassed without completely killing them. I have also added a Gallery section to the site - I received a fine piece of art from Chris Oldland, and felt that I wanted to show it off. Additional art may be forthcoming as well. Lastly, work on Chapter VIII has (slowly) been progressing. I have successfully managed to teach myself some new techniques that I had not been able to do previously, and some simple terrain planning and unit creation has been done. 12-06-2009 Strategies for Chapter VII are now available in the 'Hints' section. Furthermore, both the Manual and the Hints pages now have a handy Contents section, which will let you jump right to whatever topic you're after without breaking your scroll-wheel. 07-06-2009 Again, Chapter VII and all previous Chapters have been updated. This includes some small fixes to incorrect capitalization in some dialogue, as well as a fix for a bug that prevented music lists from remaining cleared at the end of certain cinematics. 01-06-2009 Chapter VII and all previous Chapters have been updated. This includes a bugfix for when characters are not transferred over from Chapter VI, which resulted in them having lower skill levels than they were supposed to. Furthermore, I have addressed a discrepancy between the night-vision range of new heroes and transferred heroes... before this, transferred heroes had full sight range at all times, but new heroes saw more poorly at night. Now, all heroes will see equally well regardless of if it's day or night in all maps (they're immortals after all, a bit of darkness isn't likely to be a problem for them). 31-05-2009 Chapter VII: Grim Harvest has been
completed! 01-05-2009 I am afraid to say that, despite my last prediction, Chapter VII is not yet ready for release, thus further fuelling my belief that making predictions about release times brings ill-fortune. Extensive re-balancing issues and some important and unexpected personal commitments had slowed work during the last month, although I have still made progress. At this point in time, Chapter VII is about 80% playable, and I only have a few cinematics and one last area to work on. It's the home stretch, so wish me good fortune! 01-04-2009 As something of a public service announcement: unfortunately, Filefront took its servers offline yesterday. Filefront provided file hosting services for a large number of patches and mods (and were one of my file mirrors). I will look for another host to replace Filefront for my files in the future, but I am sad to see this fine service discontinued. This has not affected work on Chapter VII, which is continuing at a good pace. Most of the work on it is done and more than half of it is fully playable now. Barring no unforseen delays, I would estimate that it will be finished in about a month. And no, this is not an April Fools joke. 12-01-2009 A Happy New Year to everyone. After going through some revisions, I have finally settled on a final structure for Chapter VII, and the terrain outline for this has been completed. Adding doodads and details is currently in progress. 27-11-2008 Rest assured, work on To the Bitter End is continuing at a nice, steady pace. All difficult preliminary work for Chapter VII: Grim Harvest has been completed, and terraining is currently underway. 01-09-2008 Chapter VI: Harbingers of War has
been updated! 30-08-2008 Chapter VI: Harbingers of War is
complete! I will endeavor to write some Hints for Chapter VI later, so if you're getting stuck, check back in a day or two. Chapters I-V have also seen some very minor updates and balance fixes, so feel free to get the the newest versions from the download page as well. 25-08-2008 Chapter VI is now at the playtesting phase! That means that all the actual map-making is now done. All I need to do is fine-tune the cinematics, fix any bugs I find, and if necessary, tweak the difficulty a little. Depending on how the playtesting goes, the map may be released in about a week or so, but again, I cannot make any guarantees - who knows what problems may crop up at the last minute? 29-07-2008 Two short updates: Chapter VI is now 80% complete. The last area still needs to be finished, and it's still needing tweaking and balancing, but things are looking good. Secondly, thanks to some feedback from a fan, I've found and fixed a bug in Chapter V that prevented Kitharsis' custom skin from showing correctly. I think this bug crept in with the last update, but the version uploaded here doesn't have that issue anymore. 11-07-2008 It has been some time since the last update to this site, so a new one is long overdue. Firstly: Yes, To the Bitter End is still an active project. I work on it for about an hour every day, and I am determined to get it finished. Secondly: The Administorum, the original inspiration for To the Bitter End, has closed. However, this in no way affects the To the Bitter End project, or my love for the Multiverse and its characters. To me, the Multiverse has always lived more in my mind and heart than at any website, and it will remain that way. Thirdly: Chapter VI is going well. The reason why there has been such a long delay is because of a huge and exhausting load of preliminary work that was required in order to start actually working on Chapter VI. This preliminary work - making and testing the custom units and abilities - took literally months. However, I have completed all this, and have been busily working on the map. The map itself is over 60% complete, and barring unexpected delays, should be fully done in a month or two. I hate making time estimates, but I'm fairly confident this goal can be met. Keep your eyes on this site and remain patient, Chapter VI will get finished! 30-10-2007 Work on Chapter VI is continuing at a steady pace. I'm currently working on a number of interesting new custom abilities and units that are proving to be rather time consuming, but are looking pretty good so far. 24-8-2007 Though I have been overseas for a while, I am now back. Work on Chapter VI has resumed and I've also uploaded new versions of Chapter I-V, which should hopefully fix a bug that became apparent in Chapter V. 22-4-2007 A new update to Chapters I-V is now
available. It features a few changes, namely: 3-3-2007 New versions of Chapters I-V are now available for upload! These include a minor bugfix for Chapter I, a change to how Celerity works (to eliminate some exploits) and a Chapter V with a altered final boss battle and somewhat nicer looking terrain. 8-1-2007 After a great deal of difficulty, I managed to re-upload Chapter V, so it should hopefully be working again. Let me know if there are any problems with unzipping or running the file. Implemented a small bugfix in Chapter V. It's nothing major, but could be an issue under some circumstances. Thanks to Spirit Slasher for pointing this problem out to me. 6-1-2007 Chapter V: Reunion is complete! Some of the other maps have undergone minor changes (Sandstorm is now a much more useful Ultimate, and Daemon Spawn will regenerate even faster than before, for example). On this site, I've added a section on inconsistencies to the manual, to reflect some of the differences between characters and events as they are depicted in To the Bitter End and in the source material. 14-11-2006 Just an update on my progress: Chapter V is, after a huge amount of work and much delay due to other commitments, close to completion. However, it is not done yet, and I will soon be leaving the country. I will hopefully be able to work on Chapter V while I am overseas - if so, it should be done relatively soon. Once it is I will of course post it here on the site. 8-3-2006 Fixed some spelling errors and added title shots to the download page. 6-3-2006 The TTBE website is updated. All pages are made available, the incomplete manual is uploaded, and Chapters I-IV are made available for download. 22-1-2006 The TTBE website first goes live.
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