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The following links are in some way relevant to To the Bitter End. It includes links to 'To the Bitter End' download mirrors. Please feel free to comment on and rate my campaign on those sites! The Hive Workshop The new incarnation of the old www.wc3sear.ch site, The Hive Workshop contains not only Warcraft III maps, but also many other skins, models and useful resources for use by Warcraft III mappers. A link to my campaign file is included below: "To the Bitter End" Download Mirror The Administorum 2.0 The most recent incarnation of The Administorum. The Companions' tandem story is resides here. Updates nowadays are rare but it still lives on. The Administorum This is where it all began - the tandem story on which To the Bitter End is based. The Administorum is now closed, but records of the Companions' past adventures can still be found beyond the Bronze Door... http://theadministorum.yuku.com The Multiverse This site is far from complete, and due to other commitments, is unlikely to be worked on any time soon. Even so, it serves as an interactive introduction to the Multiverse and some of its history and characters, and thus may be of interest to those who wish to know more about the setting and background behind To the Bitter End. http://www.warpstormstudios.com/tothebitterend/multiverse/ Stephen Cousins' Official Website Stephen Cousins is an excellent artist who generously volunteered much time and energy into producing artwork for To the Bitter End. The work he has completed for me so far can be found in the Gallery, but to see more of his artistic range, visit his official site at the URL below and view his portfolio! (Unfortunately Stephen's site is no longer available and I cannot find a mirror to it. Please contact me if you find an alternative site of his)
This site and its contents are (c) 2005-2022 |